Planning Mtg. - Future of the Green Mtn Arena Parcels

Past event
Jul 21, 2015, 7 to 8:30 PM

If you would like to have a say in what kind of businesses uses end up on the Green Mtn Arena (GMA) land on Bridge Street, please come to tonight's Planning Council meeting. The following are potential outcomes of tonight's zoning decision regarding the Green Mtn Arena building and the other 10 acres of developable land on the peninsula:
1. Allow the Hirchak Auction Facility and retail businesses in the existing arena building and additional retail businesses elsewhere on the GMA land (retail like what is found the downtown & Brooklyn Street)
2. Allow the Hirchak Auction Facility in the existing arena building as well as additional development of other 9-5 office type jobs or light industry on the GMA land without allowing retail uses
3. Allow the Hirchak Auction Facility in the existing arena building and keep the rest of the GMA land zoned residential
4. Not propose any zoning changes for the GMA land.
Public input on Planning Council land use decisions, like tonight’s GMA land use discussion, is always encouraged and welcomed. A key part of tonight’s discussion will also be if Village water and service should be extended to the GMA land or if additional development can happen with the existing on-site septic and well. I hope to see some public participation tonight. Thank you.

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