Unreasonably Adorable Felted Felted Fleece Owls

Past event
Aug 1, 2015, 9 to 11 AM

Instructor: Lynn Graznak
Class Dates: 2-hour workshop, August 1st
Day/Time: Saturday, 9-11am
Cost: $20 for 2-hour workshop
Ages: Adult, 10+
Description: Everyone loves OWLS... OK, everyone except small rodents. We will be learning SIMPLE needle felting techniques and creating ridiculously cute, three-dimensional owls. Curly silky angora roving and smoother merino wool roving will be combined to give the little critters a look that is simultaneously whimsical and realistic. NO prior craft experience is needed, but we will be using sharp felting needles (NO stitching, just lots of stab-stab-stabbing into the wool).

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