The Pownal Fire District #2 Prudential Board made an error in the Legal Notice published June 19, 2015 in the Bennington Banner. PFD#2 by-Laws require a floor vote on all questions brought before the voters of the Fire District. No absentee ballots are allowed—voters must be present at the meeting to vote. A new Special Meeting is set for 6 PM August 17, 2015.
Pownal Fire District #2 Special Meeting Warning: The legal voters of the Pownal Fire District #2 are hereby warned and notified to meet at 5970 US Route 7 (Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pownal American Legion Post 90) Pownal on Monday, August 17, 2015 at 6 PM to transact the following business: 1. Shall the voters approve entering into a contract with the Green Lantern Group for a solar array on the wellhead property located on Route 346 in Pownal, Vermont? 2. To transact any other business. 3. Adjourn.
Posted by Ray Bub, PFD#2 Chair, Brian Quinn, Vice-chair, Alex DeSamsonow, Walt Moreau, Doug Robertson