Exit 4 Act 250 Hearing

Past event
Jul 17, 2015, 9 AM to 3 PM

Those interested in the ongoing Act 250 hearing regarding the proposed development at Exit 4 off of I-89 in Randolph should be aware that the continuation of this hearing will be taking place at 9 a.m. this Friday, July 17th, at the Red Schoolhouse on the VTC Campus.

This phase of the hearing will consider the development's impact on prime agricultural land, as well as its consonance with local and regional planning. [Other aspects (traffic impact, water/sewage and so forth) would be addressed in further hearings, should they occur, and are not part of Friday's discussion.]

For more information, contact the VT Natural Resources Board (Linda Matteson is the District 3 Coordinator: 802-885-8843; linda.matteson@state.vt.us).

Other resources are Sandra Levine, Senior Att'y. at the Conservation Law Foundation (802-223-5992; slevine@clf.org) and Kate McCarthy, Sustainable Communities Director of the VT Natural Resources Council (kmccarthy@vnrc.org; 802-223-2328).

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