Film Screening - Viet Nam: the Reconciliation

Past event
Sep 27, 2013, 7 to 8:30 PM

This documentary will be screened in Newport at the Hebard State Office Bld, 2nd Floor, on Sept 26 at 7:00 p.m. Presented by photographer and Viet Nam veteran Chip Troiano, the film explores numerous ways in which the U.S. and Viet Nam have reached out to their former adversaries to reconcile past hostilities and become trading partners and friends. Veterans of all wars are especially encouraged to attend, as well anyone interested in how reconciliation can occur on a large scale level.

This film, show in partnership with CCV, is one of a series of events on the theme of forgiveness and reconciliation, by the Newport Community Justice Center, Inc. 802.487-9327 or

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