The Lake Champlain Land Trust has a long tradition of conserving and managing critical shorelands along Lake Champlain. Learn how you can contribute to protecting the Lake's water quality by managing your shoreland property.
Please join us for a free workshop on how to Protect Lake Champlain by Going Beyond the Shoreland Protection Act at Camp Randolph in Highgate Springs, VT.
We're teaming up with the Lake Champlain Sea Grant Program and Friends of Northern Lake Champlain to host a hands-on lake protection workshop for property owners on Lake Champlain's shores. The workshop will outline what shoreland owners need to know about the 2014 Shoreland Protection regulations and how they can go beyond these requirements to protect the Lake’s water quality and important wildlife habitat.
We'll walk along the shoreline and highlight measures property owners can take to promote healthy shorelines. Staff from the Lake Champlain Sea Grant Program and Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will be available to answer your questions. Our staff naturalist will also be on hand to discuss which native trees and shrubs best protect water quality, preserve scenic vistas, and reduce energy costs.
When: Friday, July 17, 2015
Time: 4 pm - 6 pm (Rain or Shine)
What: Hands-on workshop
What to bring/wear: Comfortable clothes and shoreland protection questions
Where: Camp Randolph Clubhouse, Highgate Springs, VT
Note: Due to limited parking, space is limited.
Free but registration required. REGISTER now!
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