Mendelssohn Piano Trio This Saturday and Sunday

Past event
Jul 11 to 12, 2015

MENDELSSOHN AND THEN SOME, by Piano Trio Sara Dillon (violin), Melissa Perley (cello), and Vladimir Odinokikh (piano); Saturday, July 11, 7:00 pm, Montpelier, Unitarian Church; Sunday, July 12, 4:00 pm,Waterbury, Waterbury Congregational Church.

Yesterday I heard a rehearsal by Sara Dillon and Melissa Perley for this weekend's performance. It was terrific! These two musicians are so tight and so "on", they take command from hold-your-breath delicate to big muscular sound. They're joined by Vladimir Odinokikh for the Mendelssohn Piano Trio No. 1, play Scottish fiddle tunes, a sultry tango and more. It adds up to a great summer program. Don't miss this one!

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