The 48th annual Pawlet Library Book Sale located at Mettawee Community School is Saturday July 25th at 9am to 3pm and Sunday July 26th at 10am to 2pm. We have over 25,000 books, a cafe, 50/50 raffle. bake sale. Local author Jon Katz will be there on Saturday to sign his book. So bring your latest Jon Katzs novel or buy one there. This will be a fun filled weekend. I hope you can join us.
As you know 25,000 books is a lot of books! We would love to have your help! If you can volunteer, we are moving the books from the Circle of Healing to Mettawee Community School on Wednesday July 22nd starting at 5pm, come to either place and help move. Pizza and drinks will be provided. everyone is welcomed!
On Thursday the 23rd starting at 9am, at the school, we will be unpacking and organizing. We would love your helping hands there. Lunch will be provided. As an added bonus for helping, you will receive first buy on the books! If you would like to help or have more questions you can call the library at 325-3123 or contact me.