Comic Book Heroes - Summer Reading at Royalton Memorial Library!

Past event
Jul 8, 2015

Summer readers!

Artist Sylvia Spain brings COMIC BOOK HEROES to the Royalton Memorial Library on Wednesday morning, July 8, from 10-11 a.m.! Don't miss out on making your own comic book hero! FREE!

Royalton Memorial Library's "Every Hero Has A Story" summer reading program is designed for kindergarteners through fifth graders. Parents, guardians, grandparents, caregivers, older children and siblings, and accompanied younger siblings are welcome. Free Wednesday lunches are available for all children (June 24-July 29); reservations are required. Children who read at least 18 hours over the summer (June 15-August 5) will be invited to a special mid-August summer reading awards ceremony and pizza party. Contact the library for more information about recording summer reading.

Royalton Memorial Library
23 Alexander Place
South Royalton
(802) 763-7094

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