Selectboard Meeting on Fluoridation

Past event
Sep 16, 2013, 7 PM

Are you concerned about the Hinesburg water supply that contains both MTBE and fluoride? This is the water that school children drink and that is available at restaurants, the library and homes in the village.

Our Selectboard has set aside 30 minutes at its meeting on 16 September starting at at 7:00 to hear your thoughts on this most important part of our commons.

I have recently received information that Israel, which is presently fluoridating its water, will cease this practice in August 2014 by ruling of the Supreme Court of Israel. In April 2013, the Minister of Health Yael Germancreated a new regulation removing the 1974 regulation that had mandated fluoridation throughout Israel.

German wrote a letter addressed to doctors opposed to ending fluoridation, which included the statement that it must be known to you that fluoridation can cause harm to the health of chronically ill people and those who suffer from thyroid problems. And on April 13, she further stated that:

My decision to stop fluoridation was because Israel fluoridated all the water for residential use. In fact, less than 2% of the water is used for drinking. Fluoridating the washing machine water, dishwasher water, baths, toilets and gardening are actions without logic. Physicians told me that fluoridation can harm pregnant women, people who suffer from thyroid problems and the elderly. I was exposed to studies from the world that raise the suspicion that too much fluoride can harm teeth and bones. In the current state, we receive fluoride from several sources: drinking water, toothpaste, cooking water, vegetables, and it is impossible to know what's the dose we absorb. The WHO published a study, which shows that there is no difference between cavity levels in countries that fluoridate and those that do not fluoridate. Because of this, with all considerations and interests combined, I think that continuing massive fluoridation of 100% of the water was not right and many also think that it harms the basic rights and the freedom of choice.

If these findings are of concern to you, please come to the Selectboard meeting and express your thoughts about this issue.

Thank you, Karl Novak

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