Teach Me How to Puja with Geshe Konchog Kyab
Pujas are rituals that have a devotional offering aspect. They offer us an opportunity to recite mantras with pure intention, which purifies our minds. In this way we can begin to accumulate merit, cultivate bodhichitta and benefit others. Pujas are offered regularly at different intervals, as determined by the Tibetan Lunar Calendar, and they can even be part of a daily practice in the context of guru yoga.
Geshe Konchog Kyab will lead with us through the proper set up and practice of Tara Puja and Guru Puja (Lama Chöpa). The bodhisattva Tara in her 21 forms is a remover of obstacles, who vowed to keep reincarnating as a female until all sentient beings have reached enlightenment. Guru Puja gives us the opportunity to make offerings to our own spiritual teachers, as well as The Three Jewels (the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha).
We will perform one of the pujas before the end of the day.
$30 includes master Buddhist teachings and a vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free lunch.
RSVP here: