The Peacham 4th of July Committee is kicking off our celebration with the Independence Day Contra Dance on Friday, July 3rd from 7-10 PM. The dance will be held in the Peacham Town Gym (above the post office) in downtown Peacham at 79 Church Street.
We are pleased to welcome Tim Van Egmond as our dance caller. Tim is a long-time member of the renowned contra dance group Swallowtail. Music will be performed by the Parsnips.
People new to contra dancing are welcome - all dances are taught. This is a great gathering of families, friends, and neighbors to get the 4th off to a great start.
Donations to support the band are welcome with a suggested contribution of $5.
Donations of nutritious snacks and drink to share are welcome also.
There is a full slate of activities on the 4th of July in Peacham - please visit and click on Peacham Fourth of July in the left column to see the full schedule of events!