Hello Neighbors,
I want to invite you to a fun Stop the Oil Train rally, vigil, & flotilla this Tuesday! The Facebook event is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1457116364583512/? Please invite your friends!
We're trying for a canoe/kayak/boat flotilla to link the shores from Shoreham/Orwell to Fort Ticonderoga to show our interstate unity against the bombtrain! If you have canoes, kayaks, or other boats, or know of boaters on Lake Champlain that would be interested in being part of the Flotilla or lending BOATS, PADDLES, LIFE VESTS please register here:
Feel free to email or call me with any questions at johanna.ande@gmail.com or 802.322.5050. Bobbie's a great person to get in touch with about the boating flotilla: bobbiecar2@gmail.com.
Hope to see you Tuesday!
S T O P T H E O I L T R A I N S !
July 7th ~ Ft. Ticonderoga, NY
Ft. Ticonderoga Ferry & Train Station
Boat Flotilla ~ March to Save the Lake ~ Rally
Bring your friends, family, signs, flip-flops, picnics, coolers, canoes and boats, and high spirits. We are calling out the bomb trains, the tar sands trains plan, and celebrating our partial victory against the Fort Ticonderoga International Paper Fracked gas pipeline! Unfortunately, IP is getting fracked gas trucked in just yards away from the dangerous and toxic fossil fuel transport trains. LEAVE IT IN THE GROUND!!
Music by the Corn Potato String Band and other special guests, blockaders and expert speakers from across the country, and symbolic blockade of the railroad in solidarity with an actual planned railroad stoppage.
The train runs at irregular intervals so all are welcome to swing through or dig-in for the long hall, we're going to keep it going until the train comes!
More information on the coalition national week of actions here: https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/stop-oil-trains-week-of-action-2015
> Fracked Oil Trains are threatening Lake Champlain, the climate, and your health and safety.
> Massive amounts of oil and tar sands are being transported down many miles of the Lake Champlain Shoreline.
> The Railroad admits these trains and tracks are unsafe. Burning more fossil fuels only deepens the climate crisis.
> Come join us JULY 7TH and stop the trains rolling through our region!
> These Bombs Explode
> July 6th marks the second anniversary of the Lac-Megantic oil train disaster in Quebec, Canada, which killed 47 people and destroyed a town. 2015 has already seen an increase in oil train derailments and explosions in small towns and rural areas across North America.
> Indigenous Land, Water, & Human Rights
> The Bakken Shale is being fracked on native land in North Dakota. The "man camps" that staff these toxic projects are perpetrating skyrocketing levels of sex-crime and disappearances against several native peoples of the area, especially high numbers of native women. The land and water is getting fracked and subjected to increasing numbers of spills and other disasters. Our energy cannot be derived from continued exploitation, rape, and genocide of the Lakota, Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, and other peoples.
> Indian Country Today (focuses on the KXL and Oil Fracking in Fort Berthold/Bakken Shale area)
> The Atlantic
> Leave the Oil in the Soil
> Believe it or not, the US has become a leading global producer of crude because of fracked oil from the Bakken shale in North Dakota. The consensus of the global scientific community demands we leave 80% of fossil fuel unburned or we won't have a liveable climate. So they're talking about the oil on these trains. If we want a future - for our farms, our economy, our grandchildren - we have to stop this oil, period.
> Secret Hazards
> Fire departments and other emergency responders are not allowed to see the railroads "hidden risk documents", including emergency response plans, projected costs, damage projections, and other life-saving information regarding this dangerous and toxic rail traffic. Ultimately poor communities, communities of color, and the surrounding environment bear the greatest burden of these hazardous accidents.
> Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
> Save Our Watershed
> VT is investing 150 Million to clean up lake champlain and other waterways. Meanwhile NY State and international fossil fuel corporations are gearing up to blow our lake conservation work sky-high. With the increasing impacts of climate chaos, water continues to become an even more precious life-source, yet miles of train cars full of hydro-fracked Bakken crude rattle by on tracks mere feet away from Lake Champlain everyday. There's no cleanup crew, credible science, or funding plan to deal with a disaster.