Have you ever wanted to cut and weld steel? This workshop, held in the Sculpture Studio at Johnson State College, will give you the knowledge and skills to create a small steel sculpture from plate steel. Beginning with cardboard mock-ups, participants will explore the design process, translating a cardboard study into steel plate through metal fabrication.
The workshop will introduce participants to various tools and methods for cutting plate steel, including sawing, grinding, filing and plasma cutting. MIG welding will be demonstrated, practiced and used to assemble the steel sculpture.
Pre-registration required, $115 (materials included). Call River Arts 888-1261 for more information, or to register ... or check it out online at RiverArtsVt.org
Participants must wear closed toed shoes (leather work boots preferred), denim or work weight pants, and a long sleeve shirt. Safety equipment specific to the metal shop environment will be provided.
Michael Zebrowski was trained as an architect and designer and is a practicing artist and professor of art and design. More information about him and his work can be seen at zebrowski.tumblr.com.