July 4 Tool Sale Additions and Other Items

Past event
Jul 4, 2015

July 4 tool sale is at 200 Park St Morrisville from 9:00 to 3:00 Additions are: Bostitch Framing Nailer - Bostitch Orbital Sander - Coils of Nails - Bar Clamps - Makita Circular Saw - Rockwell 1/2 Sheet Vibrator Sander - 24" pliers by Rigid Co. - 14" Wrenches by Rigid Co. - Galvanized Aluminum Gutters - Copper Fittings (hundreds) - Taco UNIVERSAL 1 1/4" Flo Chek - Antlers - Mounted Deer Head - Legos - Child's Tubb Snowshoes - Quality Clothing - China - Antique Piano Stool with Back ...

Will post additional items probably on Thursday. ..due to multiple requests for various reasons to sell items earlier than July 4, we want to be fair to all and therefore cannot have prior viewing or selling before then.. Items will be sold for cash only.

Sale is July 4, weather permitting. Thank you for all the requests that we have had for tools.

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