Hyde Park Connectivity Scoping Study
Local Concerns Meeting
All Town and Village residents are invited to attend a Local Concerns Meeting to be held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 9, 2015 at the Community Meeting Room at 344 VT Route 15 West. This meeting is required under the grant terms and is in addition to the July 1st special meeting of the Selectboard and Trustees.
Dufresne Group will be introducing the Hyde Park Connectivity Scoping Study which is expected to be completed by December 2015. This planning effort is funded through the Vermont Agency of Transportation’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program and will assist local officials in the evaluating potential capital improvements to create safe and efficient connections within the community. The first step in the public process is this Local Concerns Meeting. The alternatives developed, which may include one or more routes to connect, the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, Hyde Park Elementary School and the Lamoille Union High School, includes village street improvements and bicycle & pedestrian crossing options for Route 15. Written comments, concerns or suggestions may be submitted at any time to ron@hydeparkvt.com. Additional information is available by calling the Town Administrator at 888-2300 ext 2 or Carol Robertson at 888-2310.
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