There will be a Solar Open House this Sunday, June 28th from 4 to 6 pm at the Anderson's house at 193 White Pines Road (off Tyson Road just west of Twenty-Mile Stream Road). The Andersons have had a solar PV system for four years and can discuss how solar has worked for them. Part of the Solarize Makes $en$e program, there will be a representative from Catamount Solar at this event to discuss the Solarize program and to answer any questions you may have about going solar. Come learn more and sign up for a site visit with Catamount to see if you could go solar too!
The Solarize Makes $en$e program is a five-town cooperative effort to increase the amount of residential solar energy generated in each town. Incentives at the federal and state level will reduce installation costs, while savings from lower electric bills will pay off those costs. Additional savings are applied through the Solarize program if at least 30 households in the Solarize Makes $en$e area sign contracts for installation of solar PV arrays by September 30th. For more information or to sign up for a site visit, go to: