Special Town Meeting and Election

Past event
Jun 29, 2015, 7 PM

June 29TH AND June 30th

Town of Brandon
Warning for Special Town Meeting
June 29, 2015

The legal voters of the Town of Brandon, Vermont, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Neshobe Elementary School at 17 Neshobe Circle on Monday, June 29, 2015, at 7:00 PM to transact the following business:

1 To hear a presentation by the Select Board regarding appropriated but unspent funds from three previously-approved public works articles.

2 To hear a presentation by the Select Board proposing the Town of Brandon adopt a governance charter pursuant to its action at the May 11, 2015 Select Board meeting, and hold a public hearing on the same.

3 To hear a presentation by the Select Board proposing the Town of Brandon adopt a 1% local option tax on sales, meals and rooms, and alcohol, per 17 VSA §2645, subject to the proposed charter being approved by the voters and by the Legislature.

4 To hear a presentation by the Select Board proposing the Town of Brandon to negotiate and purchase a portion of property located at 9 Conant Square, being .464 acres +/-.

5 To transact any other business proper to be done when met.

The meeting shall then be recessed to Tuesday, June 30th. The polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Neshobe School located at 17 Neshobe Circle, to vote on the remaining articles by Australian Ballot.

1 To elect a Selectman for two years and nine months (remainder of three-year term).

2 To see if the voters of the Town of Brandon will authorize the Select Board to expend appropriated but unspent funds from three previously-approved public works articles:
a. Remaining unspent funds from Article #18 from the March 4, 2014 Australian ballot vote of $125,000 for Union Street
b. Remaining unspent funds from Article #15 from the March 3, 2015 Australian ballot vote of $24,545 for Marble Street
c. Remaining unspent funds from Article #16 from the March 3, 2015 Australian ballot vote of $18,295 for Champlain Street
The unspent funds to be transferred and used by the Select Board for other Brandon public works projects including but not limited to the Town’s match for the federal (FEMA) funding of the Irene projects.

3 To see if the voters of the Town of Brandon will adopt a town governance charter as proposed by the Selectboard by motion at its regular meeting of May 11, 2015.

4 To see if the voters of the Town of Brandon will levy a 1% local option tax on sales, meals and rooms, and alcohol, per 17 VSA §2645, subject to the proposed charter being approved by the voters and by the Legislature.

5 To see if the voters of the Town of Brandon will approve the purchase a portion of property located at 9 Conant Square, being .464 acres +/-, in the amount of $40,000.00.

Adopted and approved at a duly warned meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Brandon called, noticed and held on May 26th , 2015.

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