Johnson Landmark Farmers' Market June 19

Past event
Jun 19, 2015, 4:30 to 8 PM

Thank you all for coming out in the rain for our Grand Opening! We still have 450 gift certificates, so come on by and drop your name in the bucket. We will pick a winner July 3rd!

Special thanks to the Tourangeau's for use of the field, Johnson Works for their support and Healthy Lamoille Valley for POP Club!

Northern Fire & Slice will be with us again this week offering whole cheese and pepperoni and slices, buffalo chicken and Marghertia. Beer & wine by the Landmark while you dine and music by Owl Stars.

Coffee, spices, essences, plants, maple syrup and everything else maple, ice cream, PoP Club, veggies and flowers and more.

Thanks for your support and see you Friday!

Deb & JFAM Crew

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