9th Annual Carolan Festival

Past event
Jun 20, 2015

9th Annual Carolan Festival: Saturday, June 20, 2015
Mallery Farm, 108 Norton Rd., Worcester, VT
9:30 am - 9 pm

With Special Guests, "The O'Carolan Songwriter Project" from Nashville, TN presenting a Song Workshop & Concert. Songs of Carolan translated from the original Gaelic into poetic English.

A gathering for people who play, listen, sing, or dance to the music of Turlough Carolan (1670-1738), blind Irish harper and composer- 214 of his tunes have survived! Beautiful Irish music- much with a Baroque influence. Open sessions, Workshops, Country & Ceili dancing, music & dance (English Country, Irish Ceili & Step, Morris & Rapper, waltzing) performances & concert. Featured Performers Concert with Benedict Koehler & Hilari Farrington.
Rain or Shine.

$15/person, $25/family (family=max. 2 adults).

Meals by advance order & pre-purchase only (deadline is past; bring your own food & picnic with us!)
Please visit our website www.carolanfestvt.com for more info. including a detailed schedule of events.
ehuntschwartz@gmail.com or 229-9468

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