Important Bike Meeting at Lyndon Outing Club June 17

Past event
Jun 17, 2015

If you are in favor of seeing safe biking lanes and paths in and around Lyndon, please come and let your thoughts be known at a meeting Wednesday, June 17th at 5:30 at the Lyndon Outing Club. VTrans can incorporate bike lanes into upcoming repaving work, but the town has to have a comprehensive PLAN in place when they come to do the work. The Bike Group that has formed through the Lyndon Area Chamber of Commerce is looking at all options and a representative from Local Motion will be biking and walking around town to see what options exist. There is a possibility that Lyndon could be one of 5 towns in the state to be picked for help with establishing safe bike pathes. The best way to show support for this project is to SHOW UP at this meeting and voice your opinion and support. Thank you!!

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