Jeffersonville Farmers' and Artisan Market

Past event
Jun 17, 2015, 4:30 to 8 PM

Hey Folks!

Thanks again for a killer Grand Opening! We are adding a few additions this week, so stop on in and give them a Jeffersonville Welcome!

Carly, from Vermana Herbals will be with us this week, as well as Streeter's Box Manufacturing, you will want to see this stuff, it is great and we use it for our CSA. Chrissy & Garrett from Pear Tree Gardens with Fresh and Dry Flowers and Art, Sugar Top Farm with Goat Milk Fudge, Samosaman and Eat Street VT with a great variety of eats for the whole family! We have 30 vendors, so there is something for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you and the weather looks to be another sunny day!

As always, thanks for your support!

Deb & JFAM Crew

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