July 17th & 18th (Friday and Saturday) at Cambridge Elementary School
Now offering 3 Age Brackets...
Youth: 3rd-6th grade... $15/ person (7v7) 20 min games- Recreational {6 spots available}
Adult: Middle/high school-Adults... $20/ person (6v6) 25 min games- Competitive {12 Spots available}
Over the Hill: 40+....$20/ per person (6v6) 25min games-Recreational {4 spots available}
Get your teams in ASAP and no Later than July 1st and 2nd
Pricing includes Tournament fees and Team Shirt, Check out our Facebook group for more details and to see Shirts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/363441453817242/
To enter a team email or Facebook message Rebecca Tisbert at tisbertrebecca@yahoo.com
for more information call or text me at 802-730-2898
**If you have a local group who would like to sell drinks, baked goods, snacks, etc. to raise money, we are looking for vendors to sell such things! Please contact me with interest to be a vendor...No entry fee!
Rough Schedule:
Friday 5:00-7:00: Youth and Over the Hill games begin at CES
Friday 7:30-12:30: Bonfire/ Slip n slide and Music by Papst Blue Rhythm...Location to be announced
Saturday 8:00am-12:00 noon: All Division games
Saturday 12:30-1:30: Game Finals
Saturday 2:00/ 3:00: (depending on # of teams etc.) Awards Ceremony