Brief History of Fletcher June 17

Past event
Jun 17, 2015, 7 PM

Historical Society

A special program is scheduled for the meeting of the Fletcher Historical Society on June 17 at 7:00 PM. Barry L. Dolan will present a 45 minute talk titled, A Brief History of the Last Half-Billion Years in Fletcher. Barry received his PhD in 1971 from the State University of New York in Binghamton. He is Associate Professor Emeritus of the Department of Geology at UVM where he specialized in the bedrock geology of the Appalachians, especially in Northern Vermont and Quebec. When he was a teaching professor his courses always filled quickly because of their interesting content and understandable and entertaining way they were presented.

Admission is free and open to children and adults. Refreshments will be served. The evening will provide a fascinating glimpse into the natural history of our area. You will be glad you came!

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