Jay Summer Fest Best Scone Contest

Past event
Aug 8, 2015, 10 AM to 5 PM

Sponsored by King Arthur Flour

Sat., Aug 8 - 8th Annual Jay Summer Fest - 10 to 5, downtown Jay
Bake 8 Scones - Sweet or Savory -4 for judging, 4 to be sold at Tag Sale Fundraiser

Bring entries to Jay Town Hall between 8 & 10 am in 2 non-returnable disposable containers, include recipe
You will be given a number for each entry. No limit to number of separate entries per person, no entry fee, open to everyone, not just Jay residents

Categories: Adult, Youth 15 & under
Scones may be made from scratch using King Arthur Flour or a King Arthur Scone Mix .
Staple proof of purchase to recipe, 10 extra points for homemade

Judging based on:
50 points Taste
25 points for Creativity
25 points for Presentation
10 points added if homemade, not a mix
10 points deducted if no recipe included

If using nuts, please make this clear on recipe card
Judging begins 11 am at Jay Town Hall, Winners announced at 1 pm at Jay Town Hall
King Arthur Flour will be providing prizes

Adult Category
1st place: $75 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalogue/ kingarthurflour.com
2nd place: $50 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalogue/ kingarthurflour.com
3rd place: King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking Cookbook

Junior/ Youth Category 15 & Younger
1st place: $50 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalogue/ kingarthurflour.com
2nd place: $25 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalogue/ kingarthurflour.com
3rd place: King Arthur Flour Mini Loaf Pann addition

All winners receive a beautiful ribbon.
Pre-Registration on line at www.jayvt.com is helpful, but not necessary.
Start practicing today, your family and friends will love you.

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