Hello neighbors. Thursday June 11 is the date of our next ONE Community Dinner and Wards 2&3 NPA Meeting. Dinner begins at 5:30 and the NPA at 6:45.
The meeting begins with brief discussions on Vermont Health Connect healthcare and on Fair Housing; Mayor Weinberger then takes questions on the proposed/controversial Housing Action Plan; Megan Moir then presents and answers questions about the looming/mysterious Stormwater and Wastewater Plan- how will challenges to the water quality of Lake Champlain affect Burlington residents?
State Reps Jill Krowinski and Curt McCormick then answer questions about the just completed Legislative Session; Dan Cahill from the Parks Dept then asks for feedback concerning the Burlington College/Farrell land development; Finally, we get Monthly Reports from our City Councilors and School Commissioners.
Many people attend both the dinner and the meeting while others just one or the other. Thanks, CharlieG.