To Adults who have the time to work with youngsters in our community......
Do you have an hour on Mondays, from 12:30-1:30 pm, June 15-Aug 10, 2015, to come over to the Randolph Senior Center and participate in activities with the children who are enrolled in the Randolph Summer camp?
Here are the various activities planned:
June 15 - the GEMS group--to interview adults and play games
June 22 - card stenciling
June 29 - Bingo
July 6 - Bracelet making
July 13 - working on puzzles
July 20 - sand art
July 27 - playing games
Aug 3 - have a singalong
Aug 10 - origami folding (we all need to practice beforehand!)
We would like to have 4-5 adults each week, who will enjoy playing/working together with the various age groups. If you are interested, please call the senior center at 728-9324.