A screening of "Who Bombed Judi Bari?" @ the Plainfield Opera House on Thursday June 11 7pm. Bring a dish to share! A short discussion will follow.
About the film: Judi Bari was an organizer with the Industrial Workers of the World and Earth First! who resisted the clear cutting of old growth redwoods in the 80's and 90's in northern California. She organized not just environmentalists but mill workers to resist destructive logging practices of Louisiana-Pacific, Pacific Lumber, and Georgia Pacific who were liquidating forests as well as jobs. Twenty-five years ago (1990), in the lead off to the massive organizing effort "Redwood Summer", Judi Bari survived an assassination attempt by car bomb.
Film Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsQrdsCtZ-Y
In addition there will be information about the upcoming 36th annual Earth First! Round River Rendezvous (http://bit.ly/1FF67ft) being held in Green Mountain National Forest, the first RRR to be held in Vermont since 1991.
There will be also be information and letter-writing materials for prisoners as part of June 11 (june11.org), an International Day of Solidarity with Eco and Long-term Anarchist Prisoners.
Hope to see you there!