Our Huge Lawn Sale will be July 25 & 26. We are now accepting donations. As many of you know, Churches are struggling to keep up with daily expenses. We are no exception. People just don't got to church anymore. We have such busy lives. Our Sunday collection plates are about half of what we use to take in. We do our part in this area by doing funerals, weddings, baptisms, concerts, suppers, Christmas shows, house the Food Shelf, AA meetings three times a week, exercise classes, and much, much more. Without the Church, we would not be the great town we are now.
You may need us someday. Please keep us in mind. Your donations for this event will be gratefully appreciated.
Our Church Services are 10:00Am and last about an hour. Sunday School is not in session now but will resume in the fall.
Thanks so much,
Jennie Demore
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