Tropical Themed Social Dance

Past event
Jun 20, 2015, 6:30 to 11 PM

Saturday, June 20 at 6:30pm - 11:00pm

Elley-Long Music Center at St. Michael's College
Colchester, Vermont 05446

The Green Mountain Chapter #3033 of USA Dance will start its June social dance with an instruction in Samba Line Dance followed by an introductory lesson in Samba by Bill and Carolyn Pedrick!
Attendees will enjoy a beautiful wooden floor with dancers of all ages and abilities, no partner or experience necessary! Our attendees dance with many different people, or you may dance with only your significant other.
-Suggested attire is whatever you might wear in a public tropical setting.
-Clean non-gripping shoes highly recommended for the dance floor.
$15 - General Admission
$10 - Seniors, Students, and USA Dance Members
6:30: Doors Open
7:00-7:30: Mini lesson in Samba Line Dance - you've seen the group dancing this on the stage at Elley Long and may have even tried to learn it during the song. Here is your chance to learn it from the instructor who brought it to the Green Mountain State!
7:30 - 8:30: Main introductory lesson in Samba taught by Bill and Carolyn Pedrick!
8:30 - 11:00pm: Board Members and volunteers play preselected ballroom dance music licensed by BMI! Board members and volunteers offer their time for the first half of the dance as "Dance Hosts", just sign up to dance and meet us for a dance. We also have 3 social dances where attendees take turns to dance with random partners - a fun way to meet new dancers and ensures everyone dances during our event!
For more information e-mail or browse to

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