Mt. Tabor-Danby Historical Society Presentation

Past event
Jun 15, 2015, 7 to 8:30 PM

Local author Jon Furman will present readings and answer questions about his recently released book, "The Generation That Spanned A Bridge." The book showcases the work ethic of independent Vermonters born in the early 20th century and has stories from Danby Natives Gladys Green Corey, Hiram Fisk, and Gerald Corey who cut ice on Danby Pond. The stories give a first-hand look at horses being replaced by tractors, one room schoolhouses where the teacher could take a break, grab her rifle and shoot a buck grazing in the yard, the introduction of electricity and telephone, and other interesting and amusing topics. Books will be available for purchase. This event is free and open to the public and will follow the monthly business meeting at 6p.m. New members are always welcome to join

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