Plant Sale in Underhill

Past event
Jun 6, 2015

One of the oldest annual plant sales in the area will take place—rain or shine—on Saturday, June 6, at 9:00 a.m. sharp at the Underhill Town Hall. Underhill’s Conservation Commission conducts this popular event; funds from the sale support the Commission’s natural resource education and protection work.

Have some perennial cuttings, annual seedlings, shrubs, trees, bulbs, houseplants, or other healthy plants to spare? Join the fun and share them! Just label them and bring them to the Town Hall by 8:45 a.m. on June 6 in bags, boxes or any other type of container. You can also post digging rights if you have lots of plants to offer—please provide cards with the name/s of the plant/s and your name and contact info if you’d like to take advantage of this opportunity.

The Underhill plant sale is a terrific opportunity to buy a wide range of plants for amazingly low prices. But it happens fast, so if you’re even 15 minutes late, you could miss it all!

For questions, contact Nancy McRae, 899-3972 or

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