Father Daughter Dance June 5

Past event
Jun 5, 2015

Come to the "Father" - "Daughter" Dance

THIS Friday, June 5th, 2015

Camels Hump Middle School

6:00 - 9:00pm

Don't miss this GREAT evening and wonderful community event.

**Preregister here and save money!** http://tinyurl.com/2015RESFD

The funds raised from the dance/basket raffle will support the following programs:

- Principal's Fund - student scholarships and extracurricular activities

- Teacher's Fund - supports enriching activities in the classroom

- Four Winds Natural Science - hands-on science education about the natural world around us


We still need folks to:

- bring baked goods - LOTS OF 'EM!!!

- bring basket raffle items - complete list on sign-up genius or see below for ideas. We've got three baskets to raffle - one for little girls, one for big girls and one for "Dads".

- volunteer to help out at the dance - setting up, cleaning up, selling tickets etc.

Let's make this an extra special night for all those great GUYS and "little" GALS!!!

We would REALLY APPRECIATE it if you could sign up on the following form to help out: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090545a8aa229-father4/4543056

OR contact Denise Noble 434-8440 or vtis4us@sover.net to let her know you'd be THRILLED to help out!

We've got some items for the baskets (which have turned into a highlight of the evening). Here's what we have so far:

- Little girls: LCC Chocolate bar, lip balm, hair accessories

- Big Girls: itunes gift card, LCC Chocolate bar, lip balm, hair accessories, lotion

- Dads: LCC Chocolate Bar, Jerky/sausage, cards, cheese

We still need more goodies to fill the baskets:

Items needed for Baskets (or come up with another idea).

All Three Baskets:

- Papa McKees Pizza Gift Card

- movie gift card

- Basket/Bag/Container in which to present/put all the goodies

- Gift Certificate for Ice Cream/Baked Goodies at Sweet Simone's

Little Girl Basket:

- Arts and Crafts Kit

- Jewelry (i.e. trip to Claire's etc.)

- Hair Accessories (barrettes, pony tail holders, headbands)

- Little Purse

Big Girl Basket: (pre-teen- adults)

- Hair Accessories (Big Girl Styles)

- Jewelry

- Blank Note Cards

- Pen

"Dads" Basket:

- Fun Drink - ginger beer, local root beer - something fun

- Coupon/Gift Cert for Pizza at Papa McKees

- VT Coffee

- Dick's Gift Certificate (for any amount - it's the thought that counts)

- Fishing Gear

- Golf balls, tees etc. Something little to take golfing

Denise Noble
434-8440 (H) 318-2211 (C)
"The food you eat can be either the safest most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." ~ Ann Wigmore
"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open." ~B.K.S. Iyengar

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