Band Concert and Chili Contest Sat. - Rain Venue

Past event
May 30, 2015, 6 PM

The Parker Hill Bluegrass Band Concert and Chili Contest Saturday May 30th starts at 6:00pm at RR Park in Woodsville.

This is a Rain or Shine event. In case of rain the music and chili moves down to the the Clifford Memorial Building also known as the old Woodsville Armory - Route 135 - So. Court Street, Woodsville. NH

Come and enjoy the first Band Concert of the season and have some chili too. Chili samplers (12 entries are registered) will be on sale for $4.00 to sample all the chilies and then vote for your favorite to determine the winner of the People Choice Award.

Hot dogs, popcorn and soda will also be on sale.

Hope to see you there.

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