Moving Sale, but Everything is Free! May 29-31

Past event
May 29, 2015

We're leaving it all out there! If you find it on the lawn by the street, it's yours!
9 - 4, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. 145 Westwood Drive.

Items include:
John Deere snowblower - old, but still works
Clam shell rooftop luggage container, barely used (new $150+)
Sturdy metal folding chairs (8 or so)
Wooden rocking horse - handmade
Electric Ice Cream maker- old, but works great
Electric stand mixer - old, but works great
3 wooden windsor kitchen chairs - a little rickety, but wood glue tightens them up
new carpet remnant (good quality dark blue, red, gold oriental pattern)
Plus, more items added daily as we hoe out.

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