There is a high occurrence of substance abuse that is affecting our community and families. Forty-one percent of 9-12th grade students of Lamoille Union students drank alcohol in the past 30 days compared to 33% of 9-12th graders across the state. A staggering 23% of students in 9-12th grades drank alcohol, other than a few sips, prior to the age of 13 compared to only 14% statewide. Twelve percent of students in 9-12th grades abused marijuana prior to age 13 compared to the state average of 7%. Why is this concerning? Research shows us that young people who begin to drink alcohol and use other drugs before the age of 15 are 10 times more likely to develop dependency in their lives than those who begin drinking after the age of 21, not to mention the damage that is done to the brain during this important developmental stage.
Alcohol is just one of many behavior risks that our children face today. Lamoille School Resource Officer, Deputy Sheriff Ross is organizing an evening forum to host a dialogue on the impact of substance abuse on our young people.
During the forum Debby Haskins, a licensed substance abuse counselor who has worked with young people her entire career, will present information and engage participants in discussion about youth high risk behaviors, the teen brain, how drugs affect the brain, warning signs of substance use, and what parents can do to protect their teen. We hope to find common ground to help keep our community healthy and safe, and help support families that are being affected by substance abuse.
Representatives from area organizations that provide support and information and referral services will be available to talk with.
The forum is sponsored by Healthy Lamoille Valley and will be held at the Green Mountain Tech and Career Center Community Conference Room, at 738 Vermont Route 15 West, Hyde Park, from 6-8 p.m. on MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015. Please call (802) 888-2581 with your questions.
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