Free Father's Day Paddling Adventure

Past event
Jun 21, 2015

Good Beginnings Presents:

Free Father's Day Paddling Adventure
Sunday, June 21st 9:00am-11:00am at The Waterbury Reservoir

Calling All Fathers and Male Mentors ~
You play such an important part in your child’s life! Please join us for our very special FREE Father's Day canoeing and tandem kayaking adventure to celebrate Father’s Day. The whole family is welcome to join us!

We will meet at the Umiak booth at Waterbury Reservoir to get your canoes, kayaks and life jackets. On shore we will provide refreshments, fun and games. You are welcome to stay and enjoy the entire day at the reservoir, but boats must be returned by 11:00 am.

Space is VERY limited so if you would like to come, please RSVP today by
Texting "Canoe" to: (802) 505-1436
Calling: (802) 595-7953

A canoe can fit one adult and three children or two adults and two children
All Children must wear life jacket and must weigh more than 30 pounds
Umiak will provide life jackets

We are looking forward to this awesome celebration, and can’t wait to see you there!

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