Kellogg-Hubbard Library Wednesday, June 10

Past event
Jun 10, 2015, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Superhouse Movie
A film about the Passive House method of building in Vermont that reduces heating and cooling energy use by 90 % - "no furnace required"
A film by Jeffrey.D.Wager / Winged Monkey Films
SUPERhouse! tells the story of the direct relationship between form and energy. We need to look at our homes and buildings in the context of energy cost and supply. As we discuss building codes, industry practices, the economics of building approach, and the ever increasing cost of living in a world with a quickly changing climate, we see a need for fast action; As buildings use 49% of all primary energy we create, the Passive House building approach can have an immediate effect on Carbon Emissions, Imported Oil and Energy, and even people's individual pocket books. That keeps more money in the country, which will in turn, boost job creation. Learn what the Passive building approach is about, understand how we got to where we are today, and realize how balancing the energy equation is an important step towards more security on our planet, in our nation, and our communities. The tag line of "no furnace required" is true in Vermont and we have buildings that show it
To educate a critical mass of people, to bring about awareness on how to build resilient buildings that cost much less to maintain and operate while reducing our carbon footprint and help save the planet, one educated decision at a time.
Why builders, architects, and homeowners should see Superhouse Movie ?
The Superhouse Movie takes you on a journey through the most important development in building design, construction and retrofitting in a generation. For 20 years the Passive House standard has been quietly spreading across Europe, applied both to residential and commercial buildings.
Now, leading-edge architects and builders are bringing this standard to the United States and Canada in order to realize the benefits of creating and retrofitting buildings that use 80 to 90 percent less heating and cooling energyâa reduction far greater than any other available construction standard can deliver. Lifecycle costs of a passive house building are less than any other âgreenâ method of construction.
Why climate change and other environmental activists should see Superhouse Movie ?
Every activist concerned about climate change and other effects of excessive energy consumption should know about the emerging passive house revolution. The Passive House standard already meets the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 80 percent; the goal climate scientists say we need to reach by 2050.
There is no need to wait for technology to improve. The technology we need to build and retrofit structures that safeguard the climate is hereright nowin the form of the Passive House standard. TheThe more people who know about Passive House, the more we can spread its adoption as an effective part of an overall strategy to reduce CO2 emissions.
A film created in Vermont by Jeffrey.D.Wager / Winged Monkey Films
Sponsored by the Passive House Alliance - VT Chapter
The Passive House Alliance Vermont is a chapter of the Passive House Alliance U.S. which is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the advancement and education about the Passive House Standard in the U.S.
We are a group of building professionals, architects, engineers, builders, consultants, designers and members of the general public who represent many businesses in and around Vermont which are working towards sustainable buildings through employing Passive House methodologies.

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