Town Photo on Sunday, September 8

Past event
Sep 8, 2013, 10:30 AM

Here's a reminder about the town photo tomorrow at 10:30 as part of the town's Quarter Millennial celebration. Please be on the school playground before that time. Parking is available in front of the Town Office and next to the Fire House and Rec Field.

Thanks to Richmond photographer Pennie Rand for taking the photo and to Duncan Keir for bringing the crane.

Afterwards, stay for a chicken BBQ lunch, beginning at 11 am and then mosey on over to the Town Hall around 1 pm for live music, town history in photos and an ice cream social.

Dance away those extra calories at Jubilee Farm at a contradance, beginning at 4 pm. Caller Will Mentor. Live music: Pete Sutherland & Jim Burns. Admission: $5 adult; $2 12-years & under; $12 family (2 adults/2 children). Families and beginners welcome.

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