Floating Bridge Opens May 23!

Past event
May 23, 2015

Hooray! The Floating Bridge opens tomorrow, Saturday, May 23rd at 2:00 PM. Come join all the food, fun and festivities in Brookfield starting at 11:00 AM. Drivers should follows signs to remote parking sites with shuttle buses provided. See you there!

For the latest information on the May 23-24 Brookfield Floating Bridge Celebration go to our website 3 ways:
- For Facebook users enter the following in the search bar: "Brookfield Floating Bridge Celebration"
- For nonusers of Facebook enter the following URL in your browser: "http://bit.ly/FloatingBridgeCelebration"
- On the Town of Brookfield municipal website (http://www.brookfieldvt.org/) click on the "Floating Bridge Celebration" tab

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