Interested in the future of Shelburne village? If so, please consider attending a meeting regarding the Village Planning Studies. The meeting will take place on Monday September 16 at 7 PM. It will be held in the Shelburne Municipal Building.
The Village Planning Studies project was launched to investigate issues relating to the possible development of a connector road in Shelburne village in the area between the Shelburne Shopping Park and the new Harrington Village development. The primary objective of the project is the development of information to aid in decision-making. Specific activities taking place will include an examination of market potential, analysis of parking, assessment of infrastructure, and inventory of land use planning issues.
It is not the aim of the study to answer the question ‘Should there be a connector road?’ Rather, the project addresses the question ‘If such a road existed, what benefits and impacts might it have?’ The consultants working on the project have not been tasked with examining how the road could be built. The road is hypothetical.
Consultants working on the project include LandWorks of Middlebury, Civil Engineering Associates of South Burlington, and Doug Kennedy Advisors of Norwich. These consultants will provide consultation, analysis, expert opinion, and written material, and will also interact with members of the public in one-on-one settings and at future public meetings.
The meeting on September 16 will include discussion of land use scenarios that will be used by the consultants to complete the project. (A second meeting providing opportunity for comment by Planning Commissioners is slated for September 26.) Creation of the scenarios has been aided by the responses provided via an online survey. At the meeting, residents and others will have an opportunity to help shape the scenarios.
Feel free to contact the Shelburne Planning and Zoning office should you have any questions. Also note that additional information about the project is available on the Town’s web site.
Mar 10, 2025, 4:30 to 6:30 PM
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