Town Banner Painting at Mary's Open Studio

Past event
May 23, 2015

Happy Spring.....and OH, what a beautiful spring!

You are invited to stop in at my studio at the end of Kelley Road (follow signs).
Saturday and Sunday 10-4 and paint a banner.

We are working on creating 20 new banners for our town.
The Historical Society is funding the materials for a new round of flags( THANK YOU) to
brighten up our travel through town.

We will have flags with images already sketched on to them too...for those of you who would prefer
to "fill in".
For my Open Studio demontration I will be showing how I put together my latest work: fabric collage.
I'll also show the " freedom drawings" I created this winter.
And I will have a tent full of SALE items including: paintings, cards, prints, t-shirts, misc.

Vegetarian chili and cornbread will be served.

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