A presentation on memoir writing
As we begin celebrating Fairfield’s 250th birthday, it is the perfect time to start jotting down our memories. You do not need to be a best-selling novelist, politician, writer, journalist, celebrity – amazing or old – to write a memoir. Anybody, at any time in his or her life, can write their story.
Where to begin? Most people are paralyzed by the size of the task. How to take thousands of threads and fragments from the past and put them in some kind of order? What to put it and what to leave out? How to shape the story?
These are the anxiety-provoking questions that cause many memoirs to linger for years half written, or never written at all.
On Thursday, September 12th at 7pm, memoirist Sandy Levesque, author of “Under A Fig Tree: A Family Memoir,” will address how to overcome these obstacles and begin to organize a story-telling project. Join us in the Community Room at the Bent Northrop Memorial Library.
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Bent Northrop Memorial Library
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