Please come out on Saturday, May 23 for a phenomenal double-header benefit party for the annual EarthFirst Rendezvous! Don’t make us come get you…
WHO: Bread & Puppet + Ever-Thirsty Jug Benders + The Grizzly Boys + a dance party + YOU
WHAT: Benefit for the 2015 EarthFirst! Rendezvous (
WHEN: Saturday, May 23 at 7PM (Bread & Puppet) and 8:30PM (bands and dance party)
WHERE: Old Barre Labor Hall, 46 Granite St, Barre (
WHY: The continent-wide EarthFirst! Rendezvous is taking place here in the Green Mountains this year, and you are invited for a week of workshops, trainings, storytelling, music, and poetry, with opportunities to hear updates on campaigns and struggles from across the continent. This year’s rendezvous is focused on growing truly intersectional movements to confront the violence that permeates our relationships with the Earth, one another, and ourselves. This work is based on an understanding that we cannot confront the forces destroying the Earth without confronting the systems of power destroying subsistence cultures and exploiting people of color and other oppressed groups around the planet.
See you there!