Qi Gong Special 3-Hour Introductory Class

Past event
Sep 8, 2013, 9 AM to 12 PM

The Brewster River Campgrouind (www.brewsterrivercampground.com) is hosting a special three hour Introduction to Qi Gong will be held on Sunday, September 8 9AM-12PM.

The campground is located in the town of Cambridge, three miles south of Jeffersonville on VT 108 (called the Mountain Road), entrance on the east side of the highway, about 1.2 miles toward the Notch from The Artfull Cup, for those of you who have attended class there. Bill and Tim McKone are allowing use their facility and inviting participants to stay afterwards for a dip in the river and/or have your own picnic in this beautiful, picturesque setting.

Here's the schedule (times are approximate):
9AM-- Introductory comments on ancient Qi Gong practice
9:10-- Basic stances and movements along with breath practices.
9:15-- 45-50 minute practice session.
10AM-- 10 minute break, Q&A
10:10--45-50 minute session
11AM--10 minute break, Q&A
11:10--45-50 minute session

Other important information: Meet at the central pavilion. We'll be outdoors but there are bathrooms nearby.
Bring some pure water to stay well hydrated. The campground also has water if needed.
Classes in pavilion should there be rainy weather.
Please drive down to the campground slowly and park along the circle around the pavilion in a way that allows use of road.
Wear comfortable, loose clothing that can stretch and move with you. Natural fabrics and colors are best.
Sorry, but no dogs allowed at campground.

Class cost is $30, checks preferred. Any questions contact:
Jim Robicsek, M.H.
491 Cambridge Rd.
Westford, VT 05494

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