Multi-Family Lawn Sale (Ferris St., Swanton, Vt)

Past event
May 23 to 24, 2015

HUGE Multi-Family Lawn Sale...Memorial Day weekend!

Saturday, May 23 rd (9-5) & Sunday, May 24th (9-3)
Rain or shine!

Something for everyone, including housewares, electronics, Atari game system, furniture, TV, holiday decorations, chicken coop, Little Tikes computer and desk, books (adults & kids), tons of toys, Intex pool filter system...Too much to list!

Also, tons of clothes (mens, women's, baby / kids). Formal women's dresses / gowns. All sizes and in great condition.

Plus, everything you could imagine for baby...crib, highchairs, bouncy seat, Jumperoo, bedding set with matching room decorations, play mats, Boppys, Avent bottles, like-new infant car seat, toys, and much more.

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