Memorial Day Benefit Yard Sale May 25

Past event
May 25, 2015, 9 AM to 3 PM

The Lamoille Valley Church of the Nazarene will be holding an amazing lawn sale on May 25th, Memorial Day, from 9:00 - 3:00. Come join us on the church lawn on Route 15, just East of Johnson village, across from Maple Hill Road. This is a fundraising event to support youth programs at the church. You can help us out two ways....

Come to the sale and buy, buy, buy....

Help by donating your stuff that's been collecting dust in your garage, basement, attic, wherever.

Donations can be dropped off at the church between 9:00 and 1:00 weekdays, or, if you need something picked up, call Julia Anderson or me at 644-2101 and/or 730-3482
One of our primary events, Nazarene Youth Conference, has been fully funded for the six students attending this July. This event occurs every four years and helps our youth explore ministries to others, missions, and motivates them to develop a stronger relationship with God and with others. Thank you to all who have supported them to this point! Participants at past conferences have built homes with Habitat for Humanity, provided and boxed over ten thousand boxes of food for needy families, provided over $250,000 of renovations to inner-city schools, supplied tractor trailer loads of baby supplies to single mothers, the list goes on, and on.

This year's lawn sale will give our youth a head start on the next NYC, and will help provide for camp scholarships and programs designed to build up the teens in our community
Thank you for all your help!

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