Pastel Painting for the Absolute Beginner
Have you ever wanted to try pastels but weren’t sure how to start? We (Marcia Hill and Cindy Griffith) are offering a class for beginners – no art experience necessary! We will discuss materials, how to use pastels, and basics about what makes a good painting; you will leave with a finished or almost-finished painting and a lot of pastel information.
For more information about the two artists go to our websites:
Marcia Hill -
Cindy Griffith -
Here are the particulars:
When: Saturday, June 13th, from 9:00am – 3:00 pm.
Where: Worcester Town Hall (tentative)
Cost: $75 for the class, $25 for materials, which will be yours to keep. We will purchase materials for you, which will include a set of 48 small pastels and paper. If you already have pastels and paper, you can forego the materials fee and just pay $5 for incidentals.
Class size is limited, so first come, first served. To register, mail your check to Marcia Hill, 166 Hampshire Hill, Worcester, VT 05682. Please register by 6/5/15.
If you like, you can email me at, to let me know you want a slot, but you are not registered until we get your check! If you have questions, you are welcome to email me (or call: 223-3591), or Cindy Griffith at (call: 229-4326).
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