HPV Movie Premiere

Past event
Jun 3, 2015, 5:30 to 8 PM

Dear Neighbors,

Local cervical cancer survivor and women’s health activist, Allison Hicks, along with filmmakers Frederic Lumiere and Mark Hefti, announced the Burlington premiere of their film Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic. A special FREE showing will be presented on Wednesday, June 3, from 5:30-8:00 pm in Davis Auditorium at UVM Medical Center. The film will begin at 6:00.

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) may be the most widespread, misunderstood, and potentially dangerous epidemic about which most people know little. Narrated by Vanessa Williams, Someone You Love reveals how dangerous this virus can be, potentially causing six different types of cancers in both men and women. Following five brave women who are afflicted by HPV and cervical cancer, the film also interviews some of the world’s top experts on the most common sexually transmitted infection in humans: HPV.

For more information about the film and to view a trailer, please go to http://www.hpvepidemic.com/ or contact Allison Hicks at Ahicks@freepap.org . And please help us spread the word if you can! Thanks so much.

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