Mountain River Sangha, May 10, Prof William Waldron Guest Speaker
Dear Friends: Mountain River Sangha will meet as usual on Sunday, May 10, from 10:30 AM to 12:30, in the Open Sky Studio @ 8 B Main Street, above Cubber's Restaurant, in Bristol.
We hope you can join us for a 30-minute group sit, the dharma talk by William Waldron, and some fellowship over tea and cookies.
Professor Waldron will be speaking to us on the central Buddhist concept of dependent arising and its relation to emptiness. At Middlebury he teaches courses on Hinduism and Buddhism,Tibetan religion and history, comparative psychologies and philosophies of mind, and theory and method in the study of religion. His publications focus on the Yogacara school of Indian Buddhism and its dialogue with modern thought. He has been at Middlebury College since 1996. His monograph, The Buddhist Unconscious: The Ālaya-vijñāna in the Context of Indian Buddhist Thought, was published by RoutledgeCurzon in 2003.
We love seeing new faces. Please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.
Many thanks, see you Sunday.
In Bright Dharma,
Chris Shaw
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